Traveling is definitely a passion that many people share, however, the busy daily life sometimes gets in the way and for logistical reasons organizing time with someone else becomes inconvenient. At Go and Travel we believe that we should not stop living our dream experiences just because we have no one to share them with, so we will tell you why we think it is worth it and some tips for traveling alone.

Why travel alone?

 – When you travel alone you know yourself

– You give yourself the opportunity to test your independence and make the decisions that are best for you

– You enjoy the smallest details and begin to see the world with different eyes

– You are autonomous of your time

– You face your fears

– It is a perfect opportunity to socialize and meet new people and cultures

But be careful, because once you discover the benefits of traveling alone you will not want to stop doing it.

Tips for traveling alone

1. Plan your itinerary

We recommend that you have an itinerary, you don’t have to do it from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm But it is important to have a list of the places you want to visit and the activities you would like to do, this will help you organize your time, to have control over it and to determine how much time you can allocate to each activity.

2. Investigate how to move in each destination

Since you have your destination to travel alone, it is important that you know how to get around. A few weeks before, research how to get from the airport to your accommodation and choose the best option for you.

Tips for traveling alone - Go and Travel

3. Keep in touch

If it is your first trip alone (even if not), surely your family and friends will worry about you, the ideal is that you send them a message telling them your plans for the day and let them know from time to time that you are well, so they can be more quiet.

4. Look around you

It is important that when you arrive at the hotel you observe the area, the people and the shops. Be observant and always look at what is happening around you.

5. Secure your documents and money

When traveling alone you must be more careful with your money and documents since you will not have someone to lend you in case of emergency. If you stay in a hostel do not hesitate to leave it in your locker with a padlock.

6. Join more travelers

One of the advantages of traveling alone is that you will meet more people like you, who are living a unique and independent experience, leaving their comfort zone behind.

7. Saying “NO” is okay.

It is normal that you meet someone either in the hotel or in a bar. Always be cautious, because you do not know people or their intentions. If it does not give you confidence, say “NO”, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

8. Research the customs and culture of your destination

Traveling to another country is discovering a new culture and this may be different if you are a woman, because in some countries you may have to cover your hair due to local customs, so it is best to do a little research beforehand.

9. Do not tell anyone your room number or where you are staying (do not say that you are alone)

If you stay in a hotel, avoid saying your room number, as it is very difficult to know the intentions of other people, also, if you are alone, always lock the key and remember to keep your documents and valuables in the safe.