PMS, also known as “Premenstrual Syndrome”, refers to the mental and physical conditions that women experience before their menstrual period. This syndrome, which many women experience, lasts about 7-10 days and negatively affects the psychological state of women. In addition to the fact that women are very unhappy during the PMS period; constantly grappling with negative thoughts. Many bad feelings such as crying crises, feeling of worthlessness, unhappiness, questioning the purpose of life are common. When abdominal pain, headache, nausea and fatigue are added to these emotional states, the situation brings with it very serious problems, but PMS is not an insoluble or mandatory situation. With a few easy steps, you can easily overcome the PMS period and learn how to cope with it. In this article, we will give information about the tricks of beating PMS.


Lifestyle needs to be changed in order to overcome the PMS period easily and to minimize the symptoms. It is recommended to stay away from harmful habits that make PMS syndrome difficult in the first place. Alcohol consumption during this period is definitely an emotionally more challenging issue. Instead, it is recommended to consume herbal teas such as lemon balm, chamomile, valerian, which calm people. In some cases, the body gives out various signals. These signals can be emotional or physical. It’s good to sit down and think about how the body feels. Maybe you’re just making it worse by ignoring PMS when it can be so easily circumvented?


PMS and stress are two very close concepts. When women are in the PMS period, they are faced with an intense stress situation. Has difficulty concentrating even on daily tasks. Even work, school, family and friend relationships cause intense stress. In order to go over this period, it is necessary to know stress management. Everyone’s way of coping with stressful situations is different. Therefore, it is very important for the person to know the activity that is good for him. In general, walking, listening to music, taking a warm shower are among the activities that are good for stress. During this period, you can also prepare a nice picnic program with your loved ones.


Effective methods to reduce PMS syndromes include practicing yoga. Yoga, which strengthens the body, increases flexibility and reduces stress, consists of easy exercises in general. There are many yoga poses that can be tried during the PMS period. The first of these is balasana (child pose). In this pose, it is necessary to sit on the knees and connect the toes. The hips are pushed towards the heels and lean forward. The forehead is placed on a cushion with support from the ground.  

Supta Baddha Konasana (Assisted Horizontal Butterfly Pose): Lying on your back, knees bent and soles connected. The knees drop to the floor and the inner thighs open. This pose relieves tension in the pelvis area. 

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose): Lying on your back, knees bent. Open your feet hip-width apart. Palms are placed on the floor and arms are extended to the sides. The hip extends to the sides with breathing. This pose is effective for the abdominal muscles and pelvis area. Apart from these, it is recommended to try viparita and savasana yoga poses.


Regular exercise is necessary to relieve PMS symptoms. It is very important to focus on simple movements that do not tire the body too much. You can continue with the exercises you normally do during this period, but don’t tire yourself out too much. You can turn to aerobic exercises. Activities such as walking, running, dancing, cycling are among the ideal movements for the PMS period. These movements improve mood and increase the hormone endorphins. Another exercise method is pilates. Thanks to pilates, which gives flexibility to the body, the body relaxes and calms down. Pilates is also ideal for premenstrual cramps.


Adequate sleep is very important during the PMS period. In order to reduce the symptoms of the syndrome and make the body better, attention should be paid to sleep patterns. A routine program should be established to improve sleep quality during the PMS period. Sleep-wake hours should become constant. Taking a hot shower and doing relaxation movements before going to sleep improve the quality of sleep. The sleeping room should be quiet and dark. In this period, it is very important that the interior design of the room is simple. Sleeping in a crowded room prevents the mind from getting tired. Avoid caffeine consumption. Never consume beverages such as tea and coffee that disturb sleep. Keep electronic devices out of the room. Get a good quality sleep, especially by keeping the phone outside the room.


In order to alleviate the PMS period, it is necessary to turn to alternative treatments. There are many relaxing treatments available. One of them is to consume herbal teas. It is recommended to consume teas that calm and relax. Another alternative treatment method is essential oils. Many oils, especially lavender oil, give a feeling of relaxation. You can massage with this type of oil and drop a few drops on your pillow. Acupuncture is also an alternative treatment method that gives effective results. You can have acupuncture done at a specialist and certified place.


In some cases, no method is good for the PMS period. It is recommended that you consult a psychologist to improve such a situation. You can learn the ways of healing by telling about the situations you are experiencing.


Today, due to busy work life, many of us do not have time to deal with their hobbies. Many people live their lives without having any hobbies. The absence of any hobby during the PMS period also negatively affects the psychological state. To avoid this, you need to find a hobby that is good for you. It is very important that your hobby is of a quality that does not force you, is good for your mood and distracts you from the hustle and bustle of daily life. For example, making puzzles, painting ceramics, dealing with pastries, making cakes, painting and writing are among the hobbies that calm the mind.


Everyone has a different way of coping with stressful situations. Some people try to relax and have fun by going out. The way such people cope with PMS is easier, but some prefer to stay at home and lie down and rest. The most difficult thing is to try to get through the process by lying down. We definitely do not recommend that you spend a few days a month locked away from home. Go out and socialize to avoid such a situation. Definitely don’t listen to your head. Whenever a negative thought comes to your mind, immediately call your friend and find ways to distract yourself.


It is extremely beneficial to meditate in PMS moments, as it is in every period of life. Meditation provides mental and emotional relaxation. It removes negative thoughts from the mind and reduces stress. During the PMS period, you can choose to meditate at any time of the day, but there is no one in the room and silence is required. You can burn incense to make you relax and put the environment in the ideal atmosphere. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. At this stage, you can find many meditation videos on the internet. You can do the work that suits your needs by choosing from ready-made videos, but if you don’t have the opportunity, you can just take deep breaths and try to cope with the thoughts in your head.