San Francisco is one of the most touristic cities in the US. If you are organizing your trip to the West Coast and you have the question of where to eat the best cheeseburger in San Francisco , you are in luck because, in addition to having a very varied gastronomy, at Mondo we bring you a selection of the best areas specially searched for you. and restaurants to taste the different types of food.


Fisherman’s Wharf

If your passion for seafood borders on madness, Fisherman’s Wharf is the place for you. It is located in the Chinatown area and prepares its dishes only with food from the sea.

Fisherman’s Wharf is one of the liveliest places in San Francisco, both during the day and at night, so it is an ideal place to visit at any time.

Fisherman's Wharf San Francisco


San Francisco’s Chinatown is the best option to taste all the recipes for oriental dishes. If you’re not a big fan of Chinese food, we recommend that you visit the neighborhood anyway, it’s well worth seeing the ornamentation of the neighborhood and the atmosphere that unfolds in the area.

Chinatown in San Francisco

Little Italy

Located in the North beach neighborhood we find the most European restaurant area , also called Little Italy. An ideal place to have a good pasta dish along with a glass of wine that will transport you to Italy itself.

Little Italy in San Francisco

Union Square

It is one of the most interesting places in San Francisco, so it is a must if you travel there. It’s a great opportunity to get to know the atmosphere and the rhythm of life of the locals, as well as to dine in some of the best restaurants in the city.

There you will find food restaurants that offer a multitude of options with dishes of a wide variety of food: American, Mexican, African, Oriental, Spanish and much more.

Union Square San Francisco

If you feel like shopping, Union Square is the place to be. You will find the largest department stores in the entire city, stores such as Bloomingdale’s, many luxury stores such as Louis Vuitton or Chanel and many more stores where you can do your shopping


If you are looking for specific restaurants to go to, in Mondo we recommend some restaurants with a wide variety of food where you can eat well and at a good price.

Bini’s Kitchen

This San Francisco restaurant is dedicated to preparing succulent Asian food dishes at a very affordable price. Their specialty is Nepali food, so if you are a fan of Asian food we recommend that you stop by and try a good curry dish, you wo n’t regret it !

Boudin Bakery Cafe

You cannot leave San Francisco without trying the Clam Chowder , one of the most typical dishes of the American coast. Don’t know what Clam Chowder is ? Well, it consists of a clam chowder with potatoes served in a round bread, on a plate or in a takeaway glass, it sounds delicious, right?

At Mondo we recommend that you try it at the Boudin Bakery Café restaurant, one of the places where the best Clam Chowder in the city of San Francisco is prepared .

Golden Boy Pizza

If you are a fan of pizza by the slice, Golden Boy Pizza will be your favorite place during your trip to San Francisco. In this restaurant you will find pizzas for all tastes, from the most traditional to the most innovative, and most importantly, at a very affordable price.

Golden Boy Pizza San Francisco

Rosamunde Sausage Grill

The Hot Dog is a very typical dish in the United States, if you want to try the real sausage sandwich we recommend that you go to Rosamunde Sausage Grill where they prepare the richest hot dogs in California, they have a wide variety of types of sausage and toppings to complement it that will drive you crazy

Your travel insurance


As often happens, not all countries have the same customs or the same schedules. At Mondo we give you a brief summary of the main aspects that you should take into account when starting your trip.


In San Francisco they have a different schedule when it comes to food. They do not give much importance to breakfast, so they bring forward lunch time from 11:30 to 14:30 and dinner to 18:30 to 21:30 , having dinner abundantly.


In all cities in the United States, it is customary to tip in restaurants, since many of the workers depend on tips from customers. The usual thing is that whenever you go to a restaurant you leave a tip of between 10% or 20% of the value of your bill.


It is important to note that in the city of San Francisco smoking is prohibited in restaurants, bars and public places. In some cases this rule extends to places such as squares or parks.

Travel insurance

The best way to enjoy your vacation in San Francisco is to be sure that you have everything under control. As? With Mondo’s personalized travel insurance you will have any type of unforeseen event covered. Enter Mondo and review all the coverage of our travel insurance, and enjoy your trip like never before.